Thursday, October 9, 2008

Funny Dating Questions

Coming up with real good sensible questions that leave a deep impression during a date can be as tough as setting up that perfect date itself. Most people get extremely bored when dull, mundane and generic questions such as "How's work today" or "Have you taken your lunch" are posed to them. Give them a break! I am sure your date has heard all these often enough.

To begin with, the main reason why she went out with you is precisely due to the fact that she expects you to be an interesting person. Some people choose to ask questions that are relatively cheeky, while others wish to leave a good impression on their date by asking witty questions. The trick to success here is to combine both elements to generate questions that are both interesting and leave a long-lasting impression.

As with most things, humor can take two distinct forms, slanting towards either towards being hilarious or peculiar.

The trick here is not to be on the extreme hilarious side of humor. While being funny is important, some jokes can be downright lame or so hilarious that it completely spoils the entire mood of the date, turning it into a comedy. It would be good if you are experienced with this sort of questions as it means that you would be able to select the appropriate questions, preventing you from being too overly hilarious. Otherwise, do not try such questions for you risk being labeled a crackpot if you find it hilarious while your date does not, or risk spoiling the entire mood for the date should things go out of hand.

On the other hand, humorous questions that have a more peculiar element would be most suitable for most people including both yourself and your date. It also provides the added advantage of you developing an even deeper understanding of your date. What is labeled peculiar cannot be agreed on specifically. However, most would come to a general consensus that a peculiar question that is humorous would be of one that is least expected by others. Questions you can consider include the following:

1. Which is your favorite domestic animal?

2. How would you feel if you were lost in the Amazon all by yourself?

3. How would you feel if you were in a white room with people all dressed in white?

4. State your favorite food and over three reasons why it is so.

The first question offers you an idea of your date's view of others' impression of her. The second question will let you understand her outlook towards death. The third will let you understand her views of marriage while the last will give you an idea of her attitudes towards sex. Interesting isn't it?

So stop asking all that boring, generic questions over and over again. Use your creativity to spice up your date and let her have a long lasting impression of you as a person. Better still, you get to know more about your date by means of humorous questions that have a peculiar slant. Explore the options, you have the freedom!

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